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Alpha Sigma Omega was founded by 2 sisters of New Legacy Family, DesireCinquetti Dannunzio and Colleen Abonwood who formed the family called  New Legacy which was founded in 1996 in a chat site called MPlayer created by 


In June of 2004, the 2 twins embarked on a journey and began their Second Life after playing various games together. In 2008, ,when the SLNFL started, New Legacy purchased the SLNFL Cowboys team. After several issues with SLNFL, we decided to end the football team. We explained to our players and cheerleaders that we would be disbanding the football team. Everyone was distraught by the decision. Our cheerleaders informed us that they would not join any other team and wanted to stay with New Legacy, and they were very adamant. 

New Legacy then decided to take on another challenge by creating a Sisterhood. That Sisterhood was called "Pretty Pixels" which was founded in 2009. We were one of the first Sisterhoods in the SL urban community. The first sisterhood was called the "Swagger Dollz". After Swagger Dollz, Pretty Pixels came on the scene and took it by storm with 70 women as members. There was also the Divas who are now Greek and are known as Sigma Gamma Sigma Sorority. 


Needless to say, with 70 sisters, there was some drama outside and within the sorority. The Founders had the unpleasant task of having to weed out the ones who started the drama. Initially, our colors were red, black and gold when the Greek community came to Second Life and we decided to be a part of it. We then created Alpha Sigma Omega Sorority in October of 2011. As we had to grow we had to leave some behind that caused drama in the Sisterhood. Along with the help of the Brothers of Nu Alpha Psi, we choose symbols, crest , and our paddles. The Founders and sisters loved the Greek Community, but illness struck 2 of the Founders, which caused ASO to be absent on the grid for a year in 2013. 


Upon our return in 2014, illness was something of the past, and the sisters came back with a vision. We are now more humble. This time around, and we hit the grid running. At the same time, we are very supportive of all Greek activities.


We are determined, we are fierce, and we are empowered with a new vibe and a new outlook on Second Life. We moved away from our original Red and Black. Our colors are more vibrant to match our new attitude with pink, teal, and yellow along the spirit of our new and beloved mascot,  the rare muhgal white cheetah

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